Deian Thomas Legge

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Day With Aunt Kim

Yesterday, my Aunt Kim and Uncle Jeremy came down to watch me so that my mom could attend a meeting at The University of Pennsylvania. I woke up early as usual, and Aunt Kim watched me nearly all day!

I started the day with a large poop for her, and continued to do other things like refuse my cereal, laugh a lot at Uncle Jeremy, eat lots of formula, and we even went for a walk in my stroller! I was very good. In fact, I was so worked up about my fun day, I woke up TWICE during the night last night hoping to eat and play!

Thank you Aunt Kim!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Where Do I Begin?

Well, ladies and gents, it has been a long time since I updated my blog! I have been so busy drooling, pooping, vomiting, laughing, talking, and doing other fun babyish things, that I haven't had the time to create a real update on what has been happening in my life.

I am currently 5 1/2 months old. I am enjoying sitting up, bearing all of my 19 pounds, 2 ounces and 27 inches on my legs (with some help, of course), doing the bouncy thing with Mom, laughing out loud in hysterics, eating lots of rice cereal, playing with Harry & Sully (by pulling their fur), feeding Chloe carrots, and watching my new fish as they surface each time Mom feeds them. I must also add that I seem to get cuter and cuter each day!

Since my last real update, I have done so much! I had brunch with my Nona & Grancha, Mom & Dad, Uncle Stan & Aunt Emma, and my cousin Tristyn at the Four Seasons on New Year's Day. What a treat! In this unseasonably warm weather, Mom has been adding me to her workout and we have been walking for 45 minutes around the neighborhood looking at fun stuff (while Mom wears me in the Baby Bjorn). I am growing so rapidly, I am going up to the next size in clothing, went up a size in diapers, and am going to have to get a new rear-facing infant carseat to accommodate my height and weight!

I spend a lot of time in my exersaucer - as it is my workplace! I am grabbing at toys out of my reach and cry when the toy stops "quacking" or "mooing" or when Mom leaves the room! When I start to do my "fake" cry, Dad blows in my face and I stop momentarily and laugh at him, only to start faking it again!

I went to the doctor on Monday and received more shots - ouch! I had my first little fever 24 hours after my shots - but the doctor said it's normal - it was 99.4 degrees. Now Mom has to go to the doctor tomorrow to get her shots - in her spine! My little legs ached after my shots, but I can't imagine how it will be for Mom when she gets a large needle into her back!!

My next real post will offer more information. In the meantime, I will be sure Mom takes the time to add some pictures here and there.

Enjoying My Bumbo Seat...

Now that I am 5 1/2 months old, I am getting pretty good at sitting up, but still need some help. As a result of this, Mom bought me a Bumbo Seat - to help me get through this rough lying down/sitting up adjustment period. I like to play with my duckie while I sit in it and feel like a big boy when I am using it. Mom thinks I look pretty funny and laughs whenever I get into it. It is a great contraption, but is difficult getting me out of it (I usually end up wearing it until Mom can pry me out of it with her feet).