Friday, April 20, 2007
Friday, March 02, 2007
I am now 1 1/2 years old!!

Hooray! I am now a year and one half! That also means 1/2 as a fraction or .5 as a decimal! Remember, Mommy was a Math teacher! It is so strange to think that that at this time last year I was only a mere infant!! I am doing so much now!
I can point to most of my body parts (the PC ones, at most - for now). I call Mama and Dada when I need them and talk to the cats at all times! I have my own words for many things - "didi" is a cat, A-ya-ya means "I love you" and what not! I am growing exponentially!
I am a very well-behaved boy! I understand "no", but get very emotional when Mom or Dad say it to me. I know I am doing something "not standard", so I need a hug!
Here are some pictures of me!
In this first picture, I am riding my "motorcycle" given to me by Aunt Naomi and Uncle Zack!! I am also wearing my kilt! I like the way is shimmies in the breeze! I know it looks like a skirt, but I have roots to deal with - and so what if it WAS a skirt!!
In the next picture, I am sporting a necklace that my Mom never wore, but I found intriguing! So much for those prescribed gender roles (my Auntie Dr. Joan Shapiro would be so proud)!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Holiday Pictures!!

In the top left, I am enjoying New Year's Day Brunch at The Four Seasons with the Legge/Cherian side of the family. In the top right, I am at my house with my Grandma and Grandpa Corey opening gifts on Christmas Day! In the bottom left picture, Mom and I are pictured with messy hair at the Atlantic City Pier on the warmest day of the winter - 73 degrees!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Happy New Year!
Again, Mom is trying to keep up with the postings and doing a bit better (that is, before she resumes work and classes this coming week).
I had a wonderful Christmas with all of my family!
We had Christmas breakfast with Nonna, Grancha, Aunt Emma, Uncle Stan, Tristyn, and, of course, Mom & Dad! It was my first time being able to eat it (I was still on breastmilk last year at this time) and it was fantastic! After breakfast, we opened gifts. I got so many entertaining gifts that I am still confused as to what to play with now!
Later that day, Grandma Corey, Grandpa Corey, Aunt Kim and Uncle Jeremy came all the way down from Lake Ariel to celebrate the latter part of Christmas day with me! This was also a great addition to my already great day! We ate meatballs and hoagies and opened MORE gifts!! Grandpa pulled a fast one on all of us and found "Tickle Me Elmo" for me and I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a special gift!
Speaking of special gifts, Aunt Kim and Uncle Jeremy shared with us at that time that they are pregnant - I will have a new cousin in late July!! Mom thinks it is a girl, but hasn't told Aunt Kim yet!! I can't wait!!
The week after Christmas, the Legge/Cherian family enjoyed the traditional brunch at The Four Seasons in Philadelphia. I ate so much food and had so much fun with the balloons they gave to me to play with! Afterward, Tristyn and I ran all around the place and had so much fun! I really love my cousin Tristyn!! I can't wait to go and visit him at his home in Brooklyn soon!
Throughout the holiday season, Dad had many days off. Therefore, we were able to take little trips here and there together as a family! On one weekend (when the temperature was a crazy 73 degrees in January, we went to the beach). We all had so much fun!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Even More Pictures...

The top picture is of my Dad and Mom's first time flying together. This is my Dad in the air. Unfortunately, I cannot go up yet due to the noise that these airplanes create! The next picture shows my new cousin Bradley Allen Bibalo - my Mom's cousin Tim & Renee's baby - he was born in the very beginning of September. The next picture shows me on my new sit-n-spin that I got from my Aunt Sue for a late birthday gift. It's so fun that Mom even gets on it in the kitchen! It's not like the "old school" sit-n-spin - it plays techno music! The final picture is of me running away from Santa Clause! I do not trust any man that has a beard, is dressed up in baggy clothes, and is offering me candy! My parents warned me about these strangers!! Hasta Luego Santa!!

Some Real Pictures

Mom had some technical difficulties downloading pictures to the last post, so enjoy these! In the top picture, it's me and my friend Annika (she just got the new baby brother). In the next down, I am dressed as Groucho Marx - my unofficial Halloween Costume. In the next, I am in my official Halloween Costume - the bug!
Mom Can Finally Update This Blog - Hooray!!
Last week was my Mom's last week at school for the semester. She has been working arduously in order to complete many readings (and not the kind with the pictures), many papers, and much research. She also learned that the word "data" is plural, while the singular form of the word is "datum". We are currently practicing the usage.
At any rate, she has not had the time to watch me, play with me, keep me out of trouble, take me places, do her work, go to class, go to work, and do everything else whilst updating my blog each and every minute. Please accept her apology.
So much has happened since she last updated this blog (how cliche). I have been walking since right after my 1st birthday, dressed up as a bug for Halloween, am saying more and more words, and have decided that I might pursue a career in mountain-climbing when I grow up (for now, I am practicing on EVERYTHING in the family room - including things you would never think one could climb - such as a cat). I have also been to the Camden Adventure Aquarium, where I told the sharks what I thought of their mean demeanors right up close to the glass. Besides for family trips, I have also been to different airplane museums where I run around and comment on all of the displays with Dad.
This past Thanksgiving, I spent the day with my Grandma and Grandpa Corey, my Great-Grandma Corey, Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Kim (and, of course, Mom & Dad). I finally met Mom's cousin Mandy! I ate turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and this awesome sweet potato casserole that my Grandma makes! It was yummy! She sent us home with leftovers, so I had turkey all over again the next day! It was lots of fun! When we were in Lake Ariel, I had so much fun playing with Jasmin and Lady (two puppers). It was also nice to nap with Grandpa after the big dinner!
The day after Thanksgiving, my Dad took me over to Nona and Grancha Legge's house. There, I wore myself and my cousins out by running all over the place with Tristyn and Rohan! We had such a great time! Tristyn and Rohan - if you are reading this, please make sure you rest up before Christmas. I have a lot of new moves to show you and hope you can keep up! Take an extra few minutes at nap time for the next few weeks in order to prepare!
The week after Thanksgiving, Aunt Disa and Uncle Jeff (Mom's friends from college) had a baby boy - Casey James Nicol! Mom, Dad, Theresa, Sue & I went to visit him at Doylestown Hospital. We took pictures of me petting him like a little cat! I wasn't too interested in the baby, but thought the controls on Disa's bed were fantastic and also loved removing the panels from the heat vent! Unfortunately, my friend Annika was not there to play with, but we'll catch up soon!
Unfortunately, I have just suffered my first cold! Mom and I are sick at the same time and are both on cough and cold medicine. I have been waking up in sheer terror for the past few nights, also. Dad heard from one of his friends that cold medicine sometimes causes nightmares in little tikes like me, so I must be having nightmares about scary things!
Tomorrow, my Mom, Dad and me are going to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the outside of the house. We wanted to do it so much sooner, but with Mom and I being under the weather, it had to wait.
Monday, September 25, 2006
My First Happy Meal

Much to Mom's dismay, after running errands around town, I convinced her to go through the drive-thru today to score me some of that fast food they are constantly advertising on billboards, TV, and other sources of media. Since I now have my four front teeth, Mom ordered me what she thought any kid would eat - a cheeseburger, french fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Mom stole a fry from the bag after paying the nice lady and put the car back into gear to take us home, where I would be able to enjoy my first taste of fast food!
The fragrant scent of grease and meat filled the shallow atmosphere of the car for the entire mile home. The fries were so hot that they created a silhouette of grease on the outer surface bag. The milkshake was portioned so generously that the silky vanilla goodness poured out of the straw hole. I just HAD to have some of this fast food!
Upon arriving home, I was so excited to try this artery-blocking pile of yum, that I squealed in delight upon hearing the parking brake set. Mom got out of the car, taking the steamy food to the inside of the door before loosing me from my inner-car restraint. The whole while she was transporting the goods from car to house, I still smelled that 10-year-old fryer smell settling into the upholstery of Mom's car.
Inside, the gate was secured and Mom slowly reached into the bag to obtain my lunch - the fries came first (and another was placed into her mouth) and were set on a "big person" plate. Next came the cheeseburger, which was taken out of its wax paper sheath and placed next to the mound of french fries on that same plate. It was now time to eat.
I sat on the floor and, in one sweep, had a handful of fries, ready to go down the ole' hatch. I took one deliberate bite, then another (all the while, having a look of uncertaintly on my face) and was INCREDIBLY disappointed! Next, Mom tried to help me with the cheeseburger, but I couldn't stand that even more, and spit it onto the floor! Although I came out with a repitition of glottal "DADADA", I was actually saying that I thought this stuff was absolute bilge and shouldn't even be fed to the garbage disposal, where it eventually ended up (after Mom stole yet another french fry). YUCK!!!
Fortunately for me, I did enjoy the milkshake. But then again, I have never met a form of ice cream that I did not like!!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I AM ONE!!!!!!!!!!

On August 3, 2006, I turned one year old!!
On my birthday, Mom and Theresa took me to Point Pleasant to play in the ocean and sand. I wasn't too fond of the high waves at first, but got more comfortable with them as time passed.
On the night of my birthday, my Nona and Grancha came over to wish me a Happy Birthday and bring me presents - it was fun!! I opened my presents from Mom & Dad then, too.
On Friday, we went up to my Grandma & Grandpa Corey's house and stayed there overnight. I slept in my pack n play all through the night for the first time. My Dad thinks I did it because of my Grandpa's HUGE fan - it provided some background noise for me to feel at ease. We ate Chinese food that night (Grandpa kept sneaking me some bad food - when Dad was up for more) and I liked it all!! I had some of Grandma's spinach, some of Grandpa's strawberries, some ice cream (that Grandpa totally snuck for me!!) and more!!
The next day, on Saturday, I had a birthday party with my Mom's family and friends up in the Pocono's. My Mom's Uncle Charley and Aunt Robin came, my Great-Grandma Corey was there, Aunt Kim came with SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many presents for me and took good care of me, my Aunt Sue came for a bit after working (she's a nurse), my Uncle Wayne & Aunt Sue came with many gifts, my Aunt Naomi & Uncle Zach were there with Uncle Zach's truck. They got me this cool ride-on thing that Dad assembled today and I rolled around on. My AUnt Jaime was there after she was done work, and got me this caterpiller I can pull around with me as I crawl on the floor!! Ray & Edna Zeiler, my Mom's friends, decided to come by for cake, and bought me books!! I had other people send me gifts because they could not be there. My Grandma & Grandpa bought me this cool Radio Flyer wagon that's red, and has two seats in it -with cup holders, a place for Mom to carry things we buy at the store, seat belts, and more!! I even played with it the next day inside the house!! To make things the coolest - my Grandma ordered me a cake with my PICURE on it!!!! We liked it so much, we couldn't even cut into the picture and Mom asked Grandma to freeze it!~
Today, I had another birthday party down here in Philly. My Mom's college friends came - Theresa, Aunt Disa, Uncle Jeff, my friend Annika, the baby in Aunt Disa's belly, Aunt Stefanie, Uncle Terrance, our neighbors, Jim & Michelle, and my Nona & Grancha. Again, I got lots of cool toys, clothes, and books!! I even got a gift card to Toys R Us from Jimmy & Michelle so that I can pick out what I want!! I had another cake here - but not as cool as the one Grandma got for me!!
Altogether, I had a great couple parties and really enjoyed my first ever birthday!! I got to spend it with family and friends that I love and love me!! Thank you EVERYONE for coming and for all that you did for me in order to make my special day so special!!!
Although I love my entire family so much, I want to especially thank my Grandma for making so much food for my party, mowing her grass special so everything looked so nice, and cleaning up to make my celebration nice! Also thanks to my Grandpa who assembled my wagon, made me laugh (and cry when he left the room), and snuck me some ice cream when Dad was looking the other way!! I love you all!